

Gyolyveyra: February 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tips to Prevent Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a manifestation of love and affection rope between two pairs of hearts in the follow love, love someone sometimes will culminate in intercourse, many women who are not ready to get pregnant with a variety of reasons. To avoid an unexpected pregnancy, many women who perform a variety of ways after intercourse.

There are several styles of women to prevent pregnancy when after bersenggama.Tapi various styles is a myth because it has not been shown to prevent pregnancy. Here are some styles that made women to prevent pregnancy but it may not work:

1. Removing the penis before ejaculation
Attractive male penis from the vagina before ejaculation, is not the proper way of birth control. According to the Teen Advisor website, how is only 81 to 96 percent success. Many women think that if he issued a penis before ejaculation, the sperm will not be able to fertilize an egg.

But he can produce something called pre-ejaculate. Leakage from pre-ejaculation penis when they are aroused, and pre-ejaculate can contain sperm, which can lead to pregnancy.

2. Douching
Douching is the act of spraying the liquid into the vagina to clean the vaginal canal. There is a common myth mentions using a douche (water spray drugs) will prevent pregnancy. But squirt water, vinegar or other materials into the vagina not only will not prevent pregnancy, it may even lead to a yeast infection.

Sperm through the cervix within seconds, so when using a douche, the egg may be fertilized.

3. No need to orgasm
Orgasm is not necessary to conceive. A woman's body undergoes many changes during sexual intercourse, whether or not he felt pleasure. And pregnancy can occur even if he does not have orgasms though.

4. Having sex during menstruation
While it is true that having sex during menstrual periods can greatly reduce the chances of getting pregnant, but it is still not a guarantee will not get pregnant. Many women have irregular periods and ovulation can occur very close to the time when a woman is menstruating.

Sperm can also live inside a woman's body for seven days, so even if a woman is menstruating, may be sperm waiting when ovulation ends.

5. First sexual intercourse (virgin sex)
A woman can get pregnant the first time you have sex. Some women believe that the hymen (hymen) or a thin membrane at the opening of the vagina to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg.

Not just the hymen is stretched during pregnancy, but also many women who undergo hymen stretch even before having sex, because of sports or horseback riding.

6. The pill
According to the Feminist Women's Health Center, birth control pills 92 to 99.7 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. But even with birth control pills, many women are misinformed. Birth control pills do not cause weight gain fast.

In addition, many women do not think they need to take a pill at the same time every day. However, if you take the pill correctly and follow the proper instructions, birth control pills can be more than 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. Also important to note that the pill does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases

Additional tips.

Rhythmic method is a method where couples avoid intercourse during a woman's fertile cycle. Ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary) occurs 14 days ± 2 days before the first day of the next menstrual period. The egg that has been released only survive for 24 hours, but sperm can survive for 48 hours after sexual intercourse. Since it's conception can occur if sexual intercourse 2 days (48 hours) before ovulation and 1 day (24 hours) after ovulation. Rhythmic methods can be divided into:

Method of Periodic Abstinence rhythmic calendar or a method where couples avoid intercourse during the woman's fertile period based on the length of the menstrual cycle, the likely time of ovulation, the period can still be fertilized egg cell and the sperm's ability to survive in the female reproductive tract. A woman's fertile period is calculated from: (shortest menstrual cycle - 18) and (longest menstrual cycle - 11). Recorded menstrual cycle for at least 3 months, it would be better if in the last 6 months.

Example: if a woman's shortest cycle was 25 days, and the longest cycle of 29 days, the fertile period is (25-18) and (29-11), which means that sexual intercourse should not be performed on day 7 to day 18 after menstruation.

Cervical mucus method is a method of observing the quality and quantity of cervical mucus every day. Fertile period is characterized by a clear mucus, watery, and slippery. Abstinence (not having sex) is required during menstruation, every day during the period preovulasi (based on cervical mucus), and until the time of the fertile mucus appears until 3 days after the fertile mucus had stopped.

Temperature measurement method based on changes in temperature. Measurements were taken at basal temperature (temperature upon awakening before getting out of bed. Basal temperature will drop before ovulation and increased slightly (less than 1 ° Celsius) after ovulation. Sexual relations should not be done since the first day of menstruation until 3 days after the increase of temperature.

. Effectiveness
Pregnancy occurs in 9-25 per 100 women

. Profit
No side effects of health problems, economic

. Loss
High failure rate, does not protect against STDs, inhibits spontaneity, require regular menstrual cycles.

hunbungan good sexual intercourse after marriage, do not use these tips for you who are still dating, remember any reason to delay pregnancy is to keep the provision, later on when you want it sometimes when it was not granted.